Sunday, January 6, 2019

Why 2019 Could Be a Difficult Year : Part 2

The basic idea, then, Near Term Human Extinction (NTHE), is that there is a strong likelihood that humanity may be gone from Earth as early as 2026, give or take a few years. Climate change is moving us inexorably toward the loss of human habitat. Population growth has already far surpassed what Earth can sustainably house. Our population (in 2024) is currently over 8 billion, whereas the planet can only maintain 2 billion or less.

I had never thought to question the basic assumption of politics, economics, and church ministry that the key to success is continual growth. But infinite economic and population growth in a finite space is not possible. Everything living has a life cycle - flowers, trees, butterflies, frogs, dogs and cats. And humans. The same is true of collectivities. Gardens have life cycle, and forests, and churches, and societies - and species, including the human species. In fact, the universe has a life cycle. Nothing lasts forever.

Primate species, of which humans are one, generally have a life expectancy of 800,000 years, it has been observed. I was okay with us all having another 600,000 years to figure out this human thing. But now it appears that we overreached, too far and too fast. Now the foreseeable future has a very near horizon.

When you think about it, the time left us will not be the familiar normal existence until one day it all goes black and empty. No. There will be unpleasant processes going on, building momentum, increasing their impact at an increasing rate. Not just weird weather, fires, floods and drought. Also food and water shortages, fuel shortages and power outages, internet unavailability, financial and economic collapse.

Although some cheerfully insist that we can easily fix all this, their voices are becoming fewer and more urgent. The truth seems to be that it is too late to fix it. if that is the case, then what?

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