Saturday, August 1, 2009

Two Thumbs Up...

...for the movie Up. It is animated, but isn't for kids. The children at the early showing we attended were constantly asking the adults, "What's happening? Why?" The theme of the movie, the spiritual challenge of growing old, just doesn't connect with the experience of kids. But for anyone over 40 or 50, it's a real thought-provoker as well as being thoroughly enjoyable from beginning to end. Highly recommended.


RP said...

What I also enjoyed about this movie was two lonely souls (the old man and the kid)becoming friends. It was beautiful. While Maya watched the movie and followed along, it did mean more to my mother who came with us. Of course, I liked the talking dogs.

Anonymous said...

Pastor Mark, hello, This movie sounds as though it could be good as an outreach to the community at large. I'll have to wait and see when it becomes available here in New Zealand. My name is Brian Moore, I am the father of Brad Moore. He gave me your website about 30 minutes ago and so here we are. I now know what ABC stands for. Our church is BBC Bryndwr (A Welsh word) Baptist Church. Where I like to say you can get the good news. The Lord has so blessed us knowing that Brad and family are attending church and getting so much out of it. Thank you for yours and Jean's part in that.
Blessings to you.

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