Saturday, June 14, 2008


At our weekly men's conversation over Saturday breakfast this morning, we talked about our fathers.  We talked about the impact they had on who we have become.  Yes, for better or for worse.  

I miss my dad.  He passed away when I was 26.  Many have been the times when I have wished he was there to bounce an idea off of, or to ask for advice.  I love the memories of walking with him in the woods, and of going to work with him on Saturday mornings on the Ohio State campus. I love the books he gave me - over my head at the time, but now a delight.

And I wish he and I had known how to talk with each other.  It's as if we both wanted to connect but didn't know how. And I wish he had told me more about his father than the few tidbits I received.  And I wish he had known how to teach me to assemble my short wave radio kit instead of just doing it for me.  

But thank you, heavenly Father, for Dean Farmer.  Thank you for all you gave me through him. And teach us how to talk about our dads and, if possible, with them. 

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